Monday, May 6, 2013

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Yinka Shonibare
  • Yinka Shonibare Biography
  • Yinka Shonibare CV
  • England and Nigeria Today
  • Batik- Dutch wax fabric
  • Batik as a wax resist
  • Heather Gatt
  • Nigeria timeline
  • Colonization of nigeria
  • Resources of Nigeria
  • Royal Niger Trading Co.
  • Young British Artists
  • Gillian Wearing
  • Tracey Emin
  • Aristocracy
  • Aristocratic revolt in France
  • Beheading and Marie Antoinette
  • Lucid Decapitation
  • Mike the Headless Chicken
  • Yinka Shonibare Biography
  • Interview with Anthony Downey for BOMB Magazine
  • Synopsis of Swan Lake
  • Yinka Shonibare and the Art of Resistance
  • Work by Yinka Shonibare
  • The Dandy
  • Albert Camus on Dandyism
  • Carlos Esparataco on Dandysim
  • Colin Hambrook and Joe McConnell repsond to Yinka Shonibare
  • Disabled Artist- Stephan Wiltshire
  • Disabled Artist- Alice Schonfield
  • Disabled Artist- Matt Sesow
  • Disabled Artist- Ping Lian Yeak
  • Interview for crossing borders
  • Reflective Summary

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