Monday, May 6, 2013

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Yinka Shonibare
  • Yinka Shonibare Biography
  • Yinka Shonibare CV
  • England and Nigeria Today
  • Batik- Dutch wax fabric
  • Batik as a wax resist
  • Heather Gatt
  • Nigeria timeline
  • Colonization of nigeria
  • Resources of Nigeria
  • Royal Niger Trading Co.
  • Young British Artists
  • Gillian Wearing
  • Tracey Emin
  • Aristocracy
  • Aristocratic revolt in France
  • Beheading and Marie Antoinette
  • Lucid Decapitation
  • Mike the Headless Chicken
  • Yinka Shonibare Biography
  • Interview with Anthony Downey for BOMB Magazine
  • Synopsis of Swan Lake
  • Yinka Shonibare and the Art of Resistance
  • Work by Yinka Shonibare
  • The Dandy
  • Albert Camus on Dandyism
  • Carlos Esparataco on Dandysim
  • Colin Hambrook and Joe McConnell repsond to Yinka Shonibare
  • Disabled Artist- Stephan Wiltshire
  • Disabled Artist- Alice Schonfield
  • Disabled Artist- Matt Sesow
  • Disabled Artist- Ping Lian Yeak
  • Interview for crossing borders
  • Reflective Summary

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Reflective Summary

Yinka Shonibare is a remarkable artist who uses historical and modern ideas to create aesthetically interesting works of art. He creates tableaus that often reference historical works of art. He uses these classical allusions to add depth of meaning to his work. Yink Shonibare makes his work relevant to modern society by exploring the themes of colonization and aristocracy. These issues relate to the modern day situation of post-coloinzation Nigeria, as well as the vast separation of wealth in society. More recently, his work has become more performance based. I feel that this is a natural progression for his work. He started his practice by creating scenes to photograph, then moved to displaying the scenes. Now, Yinka Shonibare uses the scenes in motion in order to convey more information through his work.
Over the course of this research project, I explored the ideas of headlessness, Dandyism, Aristocracy, Nigerian history, YBA's. I also learned about batik fabric, and disabled artists. This exploration has expanded my knowledge significantly on Nigeria and England. This opportunity to explore new subjects will impact my in practice in positive ways.  I have begun to use colors reminiscent of Yinka Shonibare's batik fabric. I am also seeing increased value in three dimensional work. After seeing the natural progression of Yinka Shonibare's work, I am contemplating the possibility of purifying my practice. Yinka Shonibare is able to remove distractions and unnecessary components of his work by showing the essence of what he is trying to say.

Interview for crossing borders

In this interview Yinka Shonibare explains how his Nigerian and English bi-cultural background has informed his practice. He discusses the key themes he explores including global issues and the question of identity in today's world. He explains in detail the ideas conveyed though his sculpture, The Reverend on ice, 2005 and his film Un ballo in maschero, 2004. The artist's fascination for costume, patterned fabrics, art history and the concept of the dandy are also discussed in relation to his work.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Disabled Artist- Ping Lian Yeak

Ping Lian Yeak

Disability: Autistic Savant
Ping Lian is an autistic savant who has been producing amazing art since his childhood. He is now fifteen. More of his amazing art may be viewed at his website.

Disabled Artist- Matt Sesow

Matt Sesow

Disability: Missing a hand
Just six years after losing his hand as a child in an accident in which a crashed plane severed his arm and took away his dominant hand, Sesow played for the US team in the disabled Olympics in England. While working at IBM as a software engineer, he began painting scenes in oils that were influenced by his traumatic injury.

Disabled Artist- Alice Schonfield

Alice Schonfield

Disability: Diminished capacity through multiple strokes
Although Alice Schonfeld is most known for her sculpting work primarily in Italian marble, she is also regarded as an inspirational figure for the disabled community. She has shown a considerable tenacity to work through debilitating illnesses and has done a lot to promote awareness of disable artists. She resides in California.

Disabled artist- Stephan Wiltshire

Stephen Wiltshire

Disability: Autistic Savant
Wiltshire was born in 1974 in London to West Indian parents. He is an autistic savant and world famous architectural artist. He learned to speak at the age of nine, and at the age of ten began drawing detailed sketches of London landmarks. While he has created many prodigious works of art, his most recent was a eighteen foot wide panoramic landscape of the skyline of New York City, after only viewing it once during a twenty minute helicopter ride.